************************** Frequently asked questions ************************** Frequently asked questions and their answers are organized by the following categories: - :ref:`Getting help` - :ref:`Accounts` - :ref:`Acknowledging the Hoffman2 Cluster` - :ref:`Applications, compilers and libraries` - :ref:`Connecting, Authentication, SSH public-keys` - :ref:`Data transfers` - :ref:`Job Errors/ Job Scheduler` - :ref:`Storage and File systems` - :ref:`Other` .. _Getting-help: Getting help ============ .. note:: If you do not find answers to your question or issue, please open a support ticket via our `online help desk `__. For faster resolution, please provide helpful details, e.g. your user name, the relevant files and directories and whether you grant technicians access to any of them, any jobs scripts or job IDs affected and what steps are necessary to reproduce the issue. Accounts ======== .. include:: Accounts.inc Acknowledging the Hoffman2 Cluster ================================== How can I acknowledge Hoffman2 Shared Cluster in my presentations or publications? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When publishing results from work carried partially or exclusively on the Hoffman2 Cluster, we appreciate you acknowledging us as follows: \"This work used computational and storage services associated with the Hoffman2 Shared Cluster provided by UCLA Office of Advanced Research Computing’s Research Technology Group.\" Applications, compilers and libraries ===================================== .. include:: Apps.inc Connecting, Authentication, SSH public-keys =========================================== .. include:: Connect.inc Data transfers ============== .. include:: Data-transfers.inc Job Errors/ Job Scheduler ========================= .. include:: SGE.inc Storage and File systems ========================= .. include:: Storage.inc Other ===== How do I print my output? -------------------------- There is no printer directly associated with the Hoffman2 Cluster. If you have a printer attached to your local desktop machine, you can copy your file to your local machine and print your file locally. Recall that for security reasons you should issue the scp command from your local machine, and not from the Hoffman2 command line. Here is a little script that you could save on a unix/linux machine that might make printing a text file easier. You might name this script h2print. :: scp login_id@hoffman2.idre.ucla.edu:$* . lpr $* where ``login_id`` is your Hoffman2 Cluster user name (i.e., login ID). You can omit ``login_id@`` if your ``user_id`` on your local machine is the same as your Hoffman2 Cluster login ID. Note the period (.) at the end of the scp command line. Mark the script as executable with the chmod command: .. code-block:: console $ chmod +x h2print To print a Hoffman2 text file in your home directory, from your local machine’s command prompt, enter: .. code-block:: console $ h2print hoffman2_filename where ``hoffman2_filename`` is the name of your text file on the Hoffman2 Cluster that you want to print. The scp command will prompt you for your Hoffman2 Cluster password, unless you have previously setup an rsa key pair on your local machine with the ``ssh-keygen -t rsa`` command, and appended a copy of the public key (``id_rsa.pub``) to ``~/.ssh/authorized_keys`` on your Hoffman2 Cluster account.